The DriveSales™ | Highly recommended communication skills for salespeople to excel and win more deals!
An effective sales pitch is directly proportional to the communication skills of the salesperson. Communication skills are the skills that are needed to convey the subject effectively and efficiently to the other person. These skills include both verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Both of them are important to convert your prospects into clients.
Are you unable to get your message across to the client? Are you struggling with sales pitches?
Here is what we think would help you gain that customer you have been trying for since forever.
1) Being enthusiastic — Nobody wants to listen to a monotonous monologue. Be excited, be witty, have a joke in there, or do something to break the ice.
2) Keep the customer engaged — Make sure the customer is not bored. Ask open-ended questions that help you engage in a conversation which in turn builds interpersonal relationships.
3) Eye contact — Make sure to look in the eye while pitching to your customer. This shows your confidence, and this vicariously instills a sense of belief in the customer.
4) Don’t speak too fast or slow — The pace of speaking is the make or break. Make sure you are speaking at a uniform pace. Speaking too slow will bore your customers and speaking too fast will not get your message across to the potential clients.
5) Assertiveness — Being assertive goes hand in hand with eye contact. Being firm helps in establishing your confidence with the customer as well as your confidence in the product.
6) Listen — This should be your mantra. Active listening skills are extremely essential since it helps the customer express their thoughts and views. Nobody likes to listen to a monologue. The conversation is the key and for a conversation, listening skills are extremely important.
7) Be clear — Do not serve too much on the plate. Try to not confuse your client and explain your pitch in a concise manner such that they get a gist of it. If the client shows any sign of interest, you can capitalize on such interest by further explaining the concept.
8) Body language — Body language is extremely important since it is the first thing the customer notices. It gives them the impression that could be either positive or negative. Such impressions are long-lasting and might create a bias.
9) Do not be annoying — Do not beat around the bush. Do not digress from the topic. Make sure you speak to the point and you are not reiterating the same thing which could potentially irritate your customers.
10) Be empathetic — Make sure you listen to your customer and are understanding about their needs. This helps your clients feel more secure and develop a mutual space. The sense of having something common helps you connect with your client better.
11) Presence of mind — Being alert is one of the foregrounds for effective communication. Make sure your client does not have to repeat themselves. With a good presence of mind, you can personalize the sales pitch to your target audience. Make sure you have a good depth of knowledge about the product. This boosts the confidence of your client to invest in your product.
12) Attitude — Make sure you are respectful to your clients. Do not have a laid back attitude. Do not be rude or cocky to your customers. This will backfire. Make sure you talk to them in a dignified manner maintaining the decorum.
Now, as an effective SALESPERSON! We can do three things from here.
1) Ignoring the opportunity and blaming the situation for revenue loss.
2) Taking important notes and going back to revisit your sales strategy with the growth mindset.
3) Reaching out to us if you need any specialized help for sales.
To conclude, effective communication is the catalyst for all your sales. We hope you put these tips into practical use and get better at communicating. It is something like John Powell’s quote, “Communication works for those who work at it.”