The DriveSales™ | If you are serious about sales, visit these 14 sales addresses and skyrocket your sales!
As a salesperson, we are often occupied with an intent to meet our objectives which is mostly our sales target. However, for most of the salespeople, it is very difficult to invest some time daily to learn and update ourselves about global sales practice being carried out by sales leaders which can add values to our working process and can help us become a better version of ourselves.
The problem, we often face in sales community is — as long as we close deals, add numbers and reach our targets, we become complacent and we never realize the importance of such learning, it is only either we fail or being forced by our employer then only we refer such methods for compliance.
Practically, we all spend our time connecting with a new prospect, coaching one of your salespeople on an essential skill, or developing a new sales strategy that will help our company grow. But the real question is: Can you afford not to read sales blogs? Whether you are a sales executive, manager, or CxO, your ability to reach your goals grows exponentially when you incorporate others’ wisdom, experiences, and strategies.
To ensure you have access to right sales blogs, I have compiled a list which is useful based on my experience.
3) Jill Konrath’s Fresh Sales Strategies
4) The Center for Sales Strategy Blog
5) Sales Hacker
11) The Sales Blog
12) OpenView Labs (Sales Category)
13) The Sales Leader
Now, as an effective SALESPERSON! We can do three things from here.
1) Ignoring the opportunity and blaming the situation for revenue loss.
2) Taking important notes and going back to revisit your sales strategy with the growth mindset.
3) Reaching out to us if you need any specialized help for sales.
To conclude, what you choose to think also provides some idea of your development as a consultative salesperson. It is something like a Josh Peck quote, “You’re only as good as your last sale, so you put your all into something and just hope that from that you can get your next job.”