The DriveSales™ | New to Sales? Let’s learn to create a personalized sales pitch for your prospects!

In this bustling world, people do not have the time to look through products to invest in. This is where sales pitches come into the picture. Sales pitches are talks that a salesperson has with prospective customers to invest in what they are offering.

A study showed that 92% of the sales representatives give up after four negative answers, but it was also figured that 60% of the customers reject before buying the product. It was also noticed that an effective sales pitch would help you cut this number down by almost 40%.

Having a hard time garnering the attention of your prospects? Not able to land the deal even after multiple tries?

Here is our two cents worth which will help you land the deal you have been trying for.

1) Crisp and clear — The sales pitch should contain only relevant information such as company and product/service details, make it personalize by explaining how your product or service can help them achieve their business goal.

2) Personalize the sales pitch — Research, research, and research well, make sure your data points are backed with facts and statistics. Your pitch should by highly curated and prospects should feel that this is made for them. Avoid using a template-based answer.

3) Provide relevant examples — Providing stories of benefits of the product/services by your current user base.

4) Significance prospect — Show the prospect how your offering can help them save time, or cost or resources. In short, highlighting value is the key here.

5) Share insights — Use client testimonials, yearly reports, or data-points. You can share how your product or services having an impact on ROI either by saving money or time.

6) Be equipped to answer questions — Not answering questions makes the customer doubt the product and can cut down your chances of winning the deal.

7) The course of action — Planning ahead acts as a display of confidence and also helps you land the deal.

Now, as an effective SALESPERSON! We can do three things from here.

1) Ignoring the opportunity and blaming the situation for revenue loss.

2) Taking important notes and going back to revisit your sales strategy with the growth mindset.

3) Reaching out to us if you need any specialized help for sales.

To conclude, you reap what you sow. Hence, the basis of sales pitches helps your product boost its sales. The bottom line, is something like Zig Ziglar’s quote, “Expect the best, prepare for the worst and capitalize on what comes.”


The DriveSales™ | Making Sales Stories Promising!
The DriveSales™ | Making Sales Stories Promising!

Written by The DriveSales™ | Making Sales Stories Promising!

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