The DriveSales™ | Proven and highly recommended sales strategies for B2C companies and startups!
Making profits in an existential market has started to be tough especially because of increasing competitors. Costumers are habituated to getting sold and tend to shift and try all other organizations equally. So, what is it that could help you stand out from them? What sales strategies should you apply to keep attracting your old customers and also reach new? To not do something or to specifically do something? We have prepared the gist for you.
Here are the proven and highly recommended practices for B2C businesses to get more clients:
1. Make your products look premium — FOMO (fear of missing out) is one of the easiest ways to have a lead on customers. By letting people feel that the products they are consuming are of premium quality and are specially made for them, it makes them feel special and more prone to using it regularly and considering it a daily/weekly need.
2. Provide people with valuable insights — The way you treat your customers says a lot about them paying their next visit. In B2C Sales it’s necessary to treat your customers like friends rather than money banks. Help them make good choices and offer suggestions on their budget. Let them feel you have options and can always help when they need anything.
3. Giveaways and memberships — Instead of being the rude uncle next door who doesn’t leave a single rupee, try giving away a small share of your products to your customers. Either by making them join your memberships or by simply giving a welcome token so they feel welcomed and always remember you when they see it.
4. Bring up new offers and contests — One of the best ways to meet new potential customers and establish a higher reach is by having a contest now and then and letting people relate to your brand on a human level. Showing them the insides of your company through similar faces that be your representatives and speak up about the goodness of your brand.
5. Understand the customer’s needs — What’s an even better way to ask people how you can help them by actually asking them up. Having customarily feedbacks or conducting surveys helps both customers and businesses to feel that they are being heard. And when you implement those feedbacks and renovate or bring in new changes, it creates a better change and creates an emotional connection.
6. Hold on to your beliefs — Every business or an organization is known by the mission and vision they hold and for how long they have achieved it. And if the goal of your company was to reach 100,000 people in 6 years. Achieve it and establish the boards you can get to let know how sure you are about your business.
7. Utilize social media — Being on a social media platform in the 21st century for a business is important. So, people don’t just forget them after leaving the place but remember them everywhere they go. And how difficult would it be to let people swipe through your profiles when they are already on their phones? Not so much. And mainly when there is so much competition outside, organizations do need something more than just a physical presence to let their sales increase.
8. Advertise — Investing in advertisements not just helps your old customers feel special but also help you reach a new circle of needy people. In a place where even a small toothbrush to huge washing machines is being advertised, it turns out to be important to invest in a platform that reaps a good reach. May It be from physical hoardings, television channels, radio’s, social media, or through word of mouth and door to door selling’s there are huge chances of having more sales than ever when the advertising goes high.
Now, as an effective SALESPERSON! We can do three things from here.
1. Not ignoring the opportunity and blaming the situation for revenue loss.
2. Taking necessary notes and going back to revisit your sales strategy with the growth mindset.
3. Reaching out to The DriveSales™ if you need any specialized help for sales.
To conclude, what you choose to think also provides some idea of your development as a consultative salesperson. It is something like Constantinos Pantido’s quote, “Understanding the motives for buying any specific category of goods or services resembles the peeling of an onion’s skins, one by one.”