The DriveSales™ | Sales strategy for shoe stores to increase revenue and jump profits!
A good pair of shoes is something everyone invests in, from formal business meetings to casual outdoor stalls, shoes are in the highlights everywhere with their brand names. And for a shoe store to target all kinds of audiences, it must have all types of products. As the industry is ever shining, and there could be a lot of scope for local stores. There are a few strategies they must be aware of and should utilize to get more deals.
Here are the proven and highly recommended sales practices for shoe stores to get more sales:
1) Have a variety of products — Your target audience might be the middlemen in the nearby areas, but make more sales, you must also consider other people and other kinds of audiences that may come along. Have something for the kids and women and products of luxuries and discounts. So you could approach your customers in the desired way and let no entered customer walk out without making a deal.
2) Offer the ideal product — Most of the customers who enter a store already have a preconceived notion about the kinds of shoes they want. For example, mixtures of white and blue or orange and black, or with a Scorpio design made on it. And when they don’t find anything as such, they are bound to walk away. And in instances like that, you could approach people and ask them about their ideal designs and get in delivered. It would not just promote the customization part of your brand but also the promise of premium services.
3) Verify the shoe size — A lot of times, when a customer likes a shoe they don’t fit, they start getting irritated and often leave the shops in confusion between a size upper or lower. And to not waste so much time, and provide customers with what they need, verify their shoe sizes before suggesting them some. As this might save a lot of time, and also help you come with better suggestions and make more sales.
4) Take the business online — Selling shoes in a locality could only bring you customers that stay in the locality or are passing by. But to approach a bigger market and make stress free selling, e-business is the right thing to do. It would double up your sales by adding to the in-store ones and also help your brand approach the right segment and find out places it would work the best.
5) Feed on testimonials -Testimonials of the right set of people could bring in a lot of influence in the sales game. By approaching influencers in fashion or the sports industry, or other famous personalities, you could earn your brand a lot of loyalties and be a feature on various platforms. So try connecting with people you could make deals with, and offer them your services that could impact.
6) Organize events — Events are one of the best ways to reach people from various parts of the market. Doing giveaways or engaging people in several contests for a longer time and letting them have fun. You could earn a lot of promotions in the single go and also advertise in various places of the same. Through your social media handles or by traditional advertising methods, you could inform people about the ongoing event and reach a big crowd of excited customers that might readily accept your brand.
7) Make loyalty programs — One of the best ways to remain glued to customers is by sending them a follow-up or emailing them regularly. It updates them about the new store arrivals and also know about the services they would get after subscribing to you. Maybe a 50% discount for every 3rd time they visit the store, or some free packages. You can attract their attention by using various marketing plans and keep them glued to your customer base.
8) It’s all yes or hell no — Try hiring up the best salesperson for your store and provide them with the information they would need. Set up your store in a rush place, where it could be noticed and approached easily by people than in a place they would hesitate to go. Give the best customer services so they would like to visit again, instead of shooing them away the very first time. Be polite and gentle and serve with the best you got.
Now, as an effective SALESPERSON! We can do three things from here.
1. Not ignoring the opportunity and blaming the situation for revenue loss.
2. Taking necessary notes and revisiting your sales strategy with a growth mindset.
3. Reaching out to The DriveSales™ if you need any specialized help.
To conclude, what you come to believe also provides some idea of your development as a consultative salesperson. It is something like Vince Lombardi’s quote, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.”